Scary street names don't spook buyers

Scary street names don't spook buyers

Would you fancy living in some of these streets?

  • Halloween is big business and the UK is projected to spend over £1bn with more than 56% of the population taking part in the fun. Gen Z is expected to spend the most with 87% planning to spend £46 each.

  • Some places are spookier than others and fortunately, scary names haven't put buyers off in those places. Roads named 'Axe Lane' have averaged £795k this year, closely followed by 'Bloodgate Hill' (£668k) and 'Bones Lane' (£638k).

  • Nor do ghosts affect price growth! The most haunted village in England, Pluckley, has seen average house prices double over the last ten years. Source:

#Dataloft, Land Registry (12 months to October 2023), Finder

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